Tuesday 4th October 2022
Single Stableford (Monthly Medal)
Field: Men 37; Women 17

‘A’ Medal – Norm Levi (17) 37 pts
‘B’ Medal – Bruce Brideoake (23) 36 pts cb
‘C’ Medal – Robin Douglass (27) 37 pts

Balls to 30 pts cb
4th – Denis Mulvihill 334cm
8th – Tony Hosler 162cm
12th – Norm Levi 187cm
16th – Frank Cornell 192cm

Medal Winner – Lyn Hatchman (26) 37 pts

Balls to 28 pts cb
4th (2nd shot) Shirley Moore 181cm
8th – Lyn Hatchman 154cm + Jackpot
12th (2nd shot) Kirsten Themsen 1050cm
16th (2nd shot) Robyn Moore 46cm