Tuesday 9th July 2019
2 Person Aggregate Stableford
(Highlands/Nowra Challenge
Field: Men 53, Women 24

Highlands 497pts beat Nowra 492pts

1st: Denis Davis & Daryl Roth 70pts
R/up: David Chandler & Michael Morrison (Highlands) 68
Balls to 61pts cb.

4th – Greg Christian 209cm
8th – Greg Jennings 139cm + Jackpot
12th – John Bracher 151cm
16th – John Bracher 252cm

1st: Eileen Baker & Pam Bowes (Highlands) 66pts
R/up: Angela Boadle & Jenny Brown 63pts

Balls to 54pts cb.
4th (2nd shot) Marjorie Burns 100cm
8th – Jill Levi 248cm
12th (2nd shot) Eileen Baker (Highlands) 64cm
16th (2nd shot) Linda Trusler