Tuesday 23rd July 2019
2 Person Ambrose
Field: Men 54; Women 22
1st: Ken Wills, Hank Philips & Bob Brown 59 nett
R/up: Denis Mulvihill & Michael Kable 59.5 nett
Balls to 64.25 nett cb.
4th – Stephen O’Neill 40cm
8th – Dennis Davis 320cm
12th – Kim Andrews 251cm
16th – Stephen Smith 308cm
1st: Wendy Phillips & Lyn Hatton 69.5 nett
Balls to 73.25 nett cb.
4th (2nd shot) Wendy Phillips & Lyn Hatton 127cm
8th – Lyn Hatchman 294cm + Jackpot
12th (2nd shot) Betty Tucker & Jill Downie 117cm
16th (2nd shot) Lyn Hatchman & Maree McLean 34cm