4P Split 6 Stableford
Field: Men 35; Women 19
1st – Kees Quinten (26) John Dobson (20) David Goodman (31) & Chris Hatton (19) 87pts
R/up – John Lenehan (14) col Armstrong (21) Steve Robertson (13) & Michael Russell (7) 85 pts
Balls to 78 pts cb
4th – Denis Mulvihill 630cm
8th – Norm Levi 365cm
12th – no winner
16th – Bruce Brideoake 164cm
1st – Angela Boadle (27) Jenny Brown (23) Lyn Hatton (27) & Leanne Robson 8th
Balls to 75pts cb
4th (2nd shot) Leanne Robson 190cm
8th – Sue Hunter 128cm + Jackpot
12th (2nd shot) Colleen Lymbery 200cm
16th (2nd shot) Sandra England 180cm