Tuesday 22nd November 2022
2 Person Multiplier Stableford
with Irish/Shamrock Putter trophies in conjunction.
Field: Men 48; Women 18

Irish Putter Trophy: Frank Cornell 41 pts
Shamrock Putter Trophy: Jean Mitzimberg 44 pts

1st: Ron Reynolds (23) & Keith Rosskelly (26) 80 pts
R/up: Dennis Davis (1) & Micheal Russell (7) 74 pts

Balls to 58 pts cb.
4th – Ron Reynolds 410cm
8th – Denis Mulvihill 0cm (Hole in One) + Jackpot
12th – Tony Johnston 210cm
16th – Ian Hart 355cm

1st: Jill Levi (20) & Jean Mitzimberg (39) 83 pts
R/up: Jan Buttle (28) & Sandra England (22) 51 pts

Balls to 40 pts cb
4th (2nd shot) Lyn Hatton 135cm
8th – Lyn Hatton 246cm
12th (2nd shot) Joyce Wallace 42cm
16th (2nd shot) Jill Levi 42cm