Tuesday 31st January 2023
4 Person Best 3 of 4 scores Stableford
Field: Men 36; Women 25
1st – Reg Klein (22), Peter Done (17) Greg Christian (23) & Ian Hart (22) 117 pts
R/up – John Winspear (39) Paul Collins (16) Geoff McVey (22) & Stephen O’Neill (23) 113 pts
Balls to all that remained for the presentation.
4th – Denis Mulvihill 177cm
8th – Graeme Wearne 288cm + Jackpot
12th – No winner
16th – John Dobson 250cm
1st – Sue Hunter (24) Christine Bright (38) Anne Newton (40) & Lyn Hatton (29) 107 pts
r?up – Kirsten Themsen (35) Cathy Ricetti (35) Jean Mitzemberg (35) & Jill Levi (22)
Ball to those remained for presentation.
4th (2nd shot) Pat Austin 5cm
8th – Lyn Hatchman 383cm
12th (2nd shot) Angela Boadle 250cm
16th (2nd shot) Lyn Hatton 50cm