Tuesday 5th February 2019
4 Person ‘Las Vegas’ Ambrose
Field: Men 52, Women 21
1st: Norm Levi, Bob Martin, Kevin Longford & Derek Trusler 53 nett
R/up: Peter Done, Reg Klein, Cliff Weatherill & Greg Christian 56.75 nett cb
Balls to 58.87 nett cb.
4th – John Ludewig 182cm
8th – Chris Hatton 87cm + Jackpot
12th – Col Armstrong 630cm
16th – Kevin Pritchard 102cm
1st: Jeanette Bright, Jill Levi, Gloria Davis & Linda Trusler 64.5 nett.
Balls to 66.5 nett cb.
NTP – 8th Team: Jeanette Bright, Jill Levi, Gloria Davis & Linda Trusler 690cm