Tuesday 21st July 2020
Single Stableford (Monthly Medal) & 4BBB Stableford
Field: Men 37; Women 19

July Medal Winners:
Men – “A” Denis Mulvihil (11) 37 points
“B” Ken Wills (21) 36 pts
“C” Phil Reid (27) 33 pts
Women: Lyn Hatchman (29) 41 pts

4BBB Result
1st – Denis Mulvihill (11) & Neill Hargrave (16) 43 pts cb

Balls to all who played.
4th – Phil Davis 292cm
8th – Norm Levi 206 cm + Jackpot
12th – John Pratt 80cm
16th – John Pratt 900 cm

1st – Lyn Hatchman (29) & Nancye Massingham (35) 41 pts cb

Ball to all who played.
4th (2nd shot) Lyn Hatton 348 cm
8th – Marjorie Burns 632 cm
12th (2nd shot) Ellen Ryan 67cm
16th (2nd shot) Jenny Brown 72 cm