Everyone was “in the pink” for the annual Pink Day for Breast Cancer Charity event at Nowra Golf Club. The purpose of the day is to raise funds in support of Breast Cancer Trials which works towards improving the treatment of breast cancer in Australia.
There was much fun and laughter as the teams arrived in an array of pink costumes with the hope of winning the team costume competition. There were pink butterflies, pink old fashioned golfers in plus fours and pink shirts with ties and caps, pink spotted “krazy Covid Kids” demonstrating social distancing not to mention the pink Flinstones team aka the “Bedrock Babes”. There were golf carts decorated in pink feather boas, pompoms, bras and balloons and there were plenty of pink hats, shoes and socks which added to the sea of pink that dominated the golf course.
Not to be out done, the green staff got into the swing wearing pink accessories whilst going about their work around the course. To cap it all off “golfer extraordinaire” and good sport, Ben Taylor arrived resplendent in a most fashionable top and skirt ensemble together with pink themed rainbow socks, pink plimsoles, pink banded cloche hat and scarf. Ben plays the tee shots for each player on the tricky 18th for a gold coin donation and thus helps to raise extra funds for the charity. He was ably accompanied this year by past members Mary Stewart and Adeney Ball who doubled as “Fashions on the Course” judges.
The weather was very kind despite the brief showers that arrived early in the morning. This however was not going to dampen the enthusiasm of the field and a keen contest ensued with two separate competitions being the order of the day.
In conjunction with the Texas Shootout Stableford, each team played a “Pink Ball” competition which was sponsored by past members Clare McKay and Jean Ellis. Each of the three players in the team had to use a pink ball on alternating holes to get their individual stableford score recorded on the “Pink Card”. The aim was to keep the pink ball throughout the competition because if it was lost it limited the team’s chances of winning the Pink Ball Competition.
The Texas Shoot out was hotly contested with Jill Levi and her “Girls Friday” Jean Mitzimberg and Robyn Lenehan narrowly winning the prize with 98 points on a count back from the mother and daughter combination of Nancye Massingham and Robyn Moore with Lyn Ashton providing them support. The third spot was claimed by the “old fashioned golfers” team of Jan Buttle, Wendy Phillips and Sandra England in their plus fours.
Nancye, Robyn and Lyn doubled up their win to take out the Pink Ball competition with a stunning 43 points. This is a very creditable score and the three ladies must have played intrepid golf to achieve it. Psychologically there is quite a lot of pressure on the pink ball player on each hole as she is faced with the responsibility of not losing the ball in the bush or a dam. Many a team has been known over past events to return to the clubhouse minus the coveted pink ball.
Following the morning’s competition, the players and guests returned to the clubhouse for a very festive presentation. The room was decked out in pink tulle, balloons and flowers and all the ladies dressed in pink added to the colourful atmosphere. President Angela Boadle welcomed all the players and guests and thanked the sponsors Clare, Jean, Marj and Ben and the members for their ongoing enthusiasm in support of the day. The presentation was followed by the drawing of the raffle. The main prize was a hamper of delectable items which were donated by the Women’s Committee, a surprise package sponsored by Marj Burns and some manicure sets sent from Breast Cancer trials. Jan Buttle was the lucky winner of the hamper.
The funds raised over the day amounted to over $1,000, a sterling effort by all who participated.
The Nearest to the Pins, Straight and Long Drives were generously sponsored by Marj Burns, herself a Breast Cancer survivor.
4th Hole NTP – Division 1 Sue Hunter; Division 2 Wendy Phillips; Division 3 Margaret Ford.
16th Hole NTP – Division 1 Gloria Davis; Division 2 Shirley Moore; Division 3 Ellen Ryan.
9th Hole Straight Drive – Division 1 Gloria Davis, Division 2 Joyce Wallace; Division 3 Lorraine Frew.
14th Hole Long Drive – Division 1 Cathy Ison; Division 2 Lyn Hatton; Division 3 Marj Burns.
Ball Competition
88 points – Di Pritchard, Lida Davis and Carolyn Henderson; Marj Burns, Margaret Ford and Sue Beazley.
86 Points – Sandra Rigney, Anne Newton and Michelle Carey.
85 points – Lyn Hatton, Kirsten Themsen and Lorraine Frew; Linda Trusler, Cathy Ison and Sue Stephens; Jill Downie and Donna Hewat with a “Mystery Player”.
84 points – Jenny Brown, Shirley Moore and Ellen Ryan.
Team Costume Competition
The Flintstones Bedrock Babes – Angela Boadle, Trish Austin and Sue Hunter.
Best Decorated Buggy
Marj Burns and Margaret Ford.