The Women’s Golf Nowra October Monthly Medal has been postponed due to heavy rain on 4th October. As this is the final medal competition of the year prior to the Medal of Medals to be played in November, the Match Committee has rescheduled the October medal round on Thursday 18th October. This coincides with the second round of the Club Championships so the October Medal will be played in conjunction with the stroke competition on that day.


Next Thursday 11th October is our annual Pink Day for Breast Cancer. It as always promises to be a fun filled day with a 3BBB Stableford event and a “Pink Ball” competition in conjunction. Enter into the spirit of the day by dressing in the colour pink, combine with your team members to dress in costume and/or decorate your buggy or cart. Prizes will be awarded for the best team outfit, the best decorated buggy and best decorated cart. The Mystery Judges will be on the course to choose the winners in all the categories.


We look forward to having Danny Taylor join us again this year for a Pro Shot from the 18th tee for a gold coin donation to help build funds for the Breast Cancer Foundation. To enable us to raise extra funds, “Chip in” with an extra $2 when you register for your game.


See you next week “in  the pink”. Happy golfing.