The Nowra Golf Club was a sea of pink this morning with the members resplendent in their pink costumes all vying for the prestige of winning the prize for the Most Creative Team, the Most Creative Hat or the Most Creative Cart/Buggy. The competition was hot with many and varied themes to be seen from pink cowboys on horses to the mischievous “Girls of St Trinians” and many a tutu mingling in.
The fancy dress was not the only competition of course with the main event being the 3BBB Stableford and also the “Pink Ball” competition which was sponsored by two past members, Clare Mackay and Jean Ellis.
The “Pink Ball” competition provides us with much amusement but also plenty of stress. Each team member plays with the pink ball on alternate holes and that player’s stableford points are recorded on a separate card. The aim is to keep the pink ball in possession until the end of the game and clock up plenty of points. Of course the stress component comes in as players are so worried about losing the pink ball – and once it is lost it’s “all over red rover” for that team’s pink ball score.
However, it is always played in the spirit of good fun and companionship so not all is lost. The winning team was Jenny Brown, Trish Austin and Sue Stephens who managed a tidy score of 31 points. Well done team.
We were all helped out on the 18th tee where a very capable Tony Johnson had the responsibility of hitting everyone’s shot at the 18th for a gold coin donation. We all sighed with relief to get to the dreaded 18th. Thanks Tony for giving your time to help raise funds.
The 3BBB competition was hard fought but the first place honours went to Anne Newton, Jill Downie and Lyn Hatton with a tremendous score of 50 stableford points to their credit. They were closely followed by the team of Rickie Gilligan, Jeanette Bright and Val Wilson with 46 points on a count back from Marj Burns, Margaret Ford and Jan Buttle also on 46 points.
Our Judges for the costume competition were Maureen Knaggs and Nancye Massingham. Their integrity on the bench could be under scrutiny as they let it be publicly known (by signage on their cart) that BRIBES WOULD BE ACCEPTED! It seems there were no protests, however, and the judges decision was final. The Most Creative team award went to the 3BBB winners Lyn Hatton, Jill Downie and Anne Newton who were dressed as cowboys come outlaws. However, they only had one horse between them!
Kirsten Themsen took out the prize for the Most Creative Hat while Marj Burns and Margaret Ford won the Most Creative Buggy even though the judges deemed it to be “a bit over the top”. Our judges also gave a special prize for “The First Aid” award. Nancye sustained an injury whilst on judging duties, but Jill, Robyn and Jean came to the rescue with bandaids and tissues. Well done girls, the Committee is hoping there wont be a “compo claim” submitted.
After the conclusion of all the competition everyone gathered to “party” and what a celebration it was with pink cake to start and then a beautiful birthday cake to follow lunch for the celebration of Clare’s 80th Birthday.
The Nearest to the Pin prizes were donated by Marj Burns and today was a Drive and Pitch on the 16th and won by Jill Levi, Trish Austin and Rickie Gilligan. The Longest Drive on the 5th was won by Cathy Ison, Lyn Hatton and Lorraine Frew.
Thank you to everyone for your participation and contribution and special thanks to out sponsors Clare and Jean. We managed to raise $1,230 for Breast Cancer Research.
A great effort as usual from Women’s Golf Nowra.